Testing setTimeout & setInterval With Jasmine-Node

Jasmine Node

Jasmine has a very complicated way of testing setTimeout and setInterval that I, frankly, don't understand very well. To add to the complication, my code is server-side, so I can't just spyOn( window, 'setInterval' ). Jasmine also gives a poor example with trivial code--not code someone (like myself) would actually be testing if they actually needed to refer to the docs.

My Function

var update = require( './update' ).update;

exports.updateEveryMinute = function() {
  // Check every minute
  return setInterval( update, 1000 * 60 );

This needs testing. Node.js docs explain really well that setInterval is not on the window, it's on a globals object:

In browsers, the top-level scope is the global scope. That means that in browsers if you're in the global scope var something will define a global variable. In Node.js this is different. The top-level scope is not the global scope; var something inside an Node.js module will be local to that module.

Test Me


// require the function you're testing
var updateEveryMinute = require( './intervals' ).updateEveryMinute;
// require the function called by setInterval.
var update = require( './update' ).update

describe('updateEveryMinute', function() {
  var intervalId;

  afterEach(function() {
    clearInterval( intervalId );

  it('should be defined as a function', function() {
    expect( typeof updateEveryMinute ).toBe( 'function' );

  it('should set an interval to run update every minute', function() {
    spyOn( global, 'setInterval' ).andCallThrough();
    intervalId = updateEveryMinute();
    expect( global.setInterval ).toHaveBeenCalled();
    expect( global.setInterval ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( update, 60000 );

  it('should return an interval id', function() {
    spyOn( global, 'setInterval' ).andCallThrough();
    intervalId = updateEveryMinute();
    expect( intervalId ).toBeDefined();
    expect( typeof intervalId ).toBe( 'object' );

The Breakdown

// see this in each test
intervalId = updateEveryMinute();

afterEach(function() {
  clearInterval( intervalId );

setInterval and setTimeout return information when created so you can clear them later. After each invocation of the tested function, I need to clear the interval so it doesn't actually call the update function.

spyOn( global, 'setInterval' ).andCallThrough();

Since there is no window in Node.js, we'll create a spy on the global object. And, sure, let's call the real thing using andCallThrough(); no need to mock here!

expect( global.setInterval ).toHaveBeenCalled();
expect( global.setInterval ).toHaveBeenCalledWith( update , 60000 );

We expect setInterval to have been called, because that's basically all our function does.

See that second test, though? It's jucy!

I required the same function (update) in the test spec that I pass to the real function, so I can make a very real comparison without having to replicate all of the code for update. This won't save you time if you've passed setInterval an anonymous function--you'll just have to retype it.

intervalId = updateEveryMinute();
expect( intervalId ).toBeDefined();
expect( typeof intervalId ).toBe( 'object' );

One more little thing. In the window, setInterval and setTimeout return numeric ids. However, in Node.js:

Returns an opaque value that represents the timer.

Huh? Excuse me? I didn't catch that. Let's actually go to the timers module for a better explanation.

Returns a intervalObject for possible use with clearInterval().

Ok, so it's actually an object. Now, we're able to test the function's return value.


  • Ditch Jasmine's mock setTimeout and setInterval.
  • Differences between window and Node.js:
    • setTimeout and setInterval are on the global object.
    • They return objects instead of just ids for clearing.
  • Don't forget to clear the interval using the id object after each test.
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